Chen Youhua was born in Taizhou in the mid-autumn of 1952. He is currently a member of the Instituteof Traditional Chinese Art and Culture, Beijing University and the manager of the Chinese LandscapePainting Institute. He is considered a national-level master of traditional Chinese painting, and isalso a researcher at the Haipai Cultural research Institute at Shanghai’s National Chiao Tung University.He studied under Prof. Ru Yanshao, a master of contemporary Chinese landscape painting. He is skilledat painting mountains and streams, as well as plums and stones, and is also an expert calligrapher.Chen’sworks possess a brisk and straightforward artistic power. According to famous art historian Wang Po-minhad this to say about Chen: “The details of his landscape paintings are exquisite. His strokes are richlyharmonious, and he emphasizes a traditional presentation while striving to achieve creativity. As a result,his art is exceptional indeed.”Chen’s paintings “Mountain Dwelling” and “Song of the Fisherman Living on the Water” respectivelywon the China Artists Association’s 2005 Work Award and 2006 Outstanding Work Award. His2008 painting “Boundless River and Mountains” was collected by the Great Hall of the People.
Books containing his works include “Selected Paintings of Chen Youhua,” “Selected Works of Chen Youhua,” “Finest Works of a Contemporary Master of Chinese Painting—Chen Youhua,” “A Masterof Classic Traditional Chinese Painting: Chen Youhua,” and “Everyone’s Model—Selected Works ofChen Youhua, A Contemporary Master of Chinese Painting.” His works also appear in such collectionsas “Collected Works of Contemporary Chinese Masters,” “Album of Contemporary Masters of ChinesePainting,” “Classic Works of Contemporary Chinese Painting Masters,” “Sentiments Expressed in Brushand Ink: Appreciating the Classic Works of Masters,” “Selected Fine Art of China,” “A Century of ChinesePainters: Contemporary Volume,” “Six Great Contemporary Chinese Masters,” “Chinese Fine Artin 2010,” “A New Century—Classic Chinese Paintings,” “Famous Shanghai Painters and Calligraphers,”“Encyclopedia of Contemporary Masters of Painting and Calligraphy,” “ Encyclopedia of the World’sContemporary Painters, Calligraphers, and Seal Carvers,” and “Encyclopedic Compendium of the World’sProminent Contemporary Painters and Calligraphers.”